feminizing web3

Work in progress mind map documenting emerging applications

feminist use cases of on-chain capacities

Women and non-binary people will use this technology in such far-reaching ways. It’s time to focus on our needs and build specifically for us.

Data privacy and security

When the first/best on-chain menstruation tracking app competes with web2 UX, it’s a wrap.

Creation and IP

Systemically, we miss out the most on benefitting from our creations and contributions.

Ethical Consumerism

We care what we consume; and our consumer power is only on the rise. To win our purchasing power, future businesses will need to prove the ethics of their sourcing, production, and practices. We want the receipts! Fashion, skincare, wellness, food, more.

Financial Sovereignty

The next generations are already shifting the tides of financial realities. We earn more than ever before, we’re living more independently and dynamically than ever before - globally. We need financial operating systems designed for our modern realities, which are borderless, entrepreneurial, digital - and built to be owned and controlled by us.


millennials + web3 = 😍


hot take: dating apps are dead